Encounter the Glory of God’s Presence: A Devotional Journey

Today, we invite you on a spiritual journey to explore the divine power and glory of God's presence. Through our podcast episode, "Encounter the Glory of God's Presence: A Devotional Journey," explore the insightful analysis and contemplative thoughts on seeking God amidst our lives. Experience these thin spaces, where you can genuinely feel closer to God. #Exodus33 #GodsGlory #SpiritualJourney #ThinPlaces #GodsPresence 💫 📖

The glory of God's presence
Battle Drill Devotional
Encounter the Glory of God's Presence: A Devotional Journey


Experience the awe as you delve into the glory of God’s presence in this powerful devotional.


In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to miss the presence of God. The glory of God’s presence can pass us by. But have you ever experienced a moment when God’s glory seemed to shine through more vividly, like a sunbeam breaking through the clouds on a rainy day? In Exodus 33:12-23, we find a remarkable account of Moses and his intimate encounter with God, showing us that “thin places” are where we can see the glory of God’s presence most clearly.

Please Show Me the Glory of God’s Presence!

Moses had a deep longing to experience God’s presence more fully. In verse 18, he cried out, “show me your glorious presence.” Moses recognised the need for those thin places, where the boundary between the physical and the divine becomes almost imperceptible. In response to Moses’ plea, God revealed his glory, and it was an awe-inspiring sight. Soon, Moses understood the glory of God’s presence.

Intense Moments in God’s Presence

In our own lives, thin places can be moments when we feel God’s presence most intensely. These are times when our hearts are open, and we are attuned to his voice. It might be in the quiet of early morning, the beauty of a sunset, the laughter of a child, or the warmth of a friend’s embrace. These are moments when the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and we sense God’s presence.

In those thin places, we can truly grasp God’s glory and recognise his hand in our lives. They serve as reminders that God is always near, even when we may not feel it. They are opportunities for us to draw closer to him and to know him more deeply.

Remember that God’s presence is with you always, waiting for you to see his glory in the most unexpected places. Don’t let the glory of God’s presence pass you by!

Reflection Question:

When was the last time you experienced a “thin place” in your life? How can you intentionally create space for such moments to draw nearer to God’s glory?

Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast This Week

This week on the Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast we explore how thin places help us connect with God’s presence and his glory, and help us to live a holy life. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

1. [Exodus 33:12-23 Commentary](https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/exodus-33/)

2. [The Shekinah Glory](https://www.gotquestions.org/shekinah-glory.html)

3. [Glory of God Defined – Bible Study](https://www.learnreligions.com/what-is-the-glory-of-god-700682)

4. [The Cloud of God’s Presence – Grace to You](https://www.gty.org/library/sermons-library/90-291/the-cloud-of-gods-presence)

5. [The Manifest Presence of God – International House of Prayer](https://www.ihopkc.org/resources/blog/manifest-presence-god/)

6. [Finding God’s Presence—A Bible Study](https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/finding-gods-presence)

7. [Exodus 33:12-23 Life Application Bible Commentary](https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/commentaries/LifeApplication/Exod-33)

8. [Concept of God’s Glory in the Bible](https://carm.org/god/importance-glory)

9. [Where Does God Say That He Will Dwell Among Us?](https://www.blueletterbible.org/Comm/smith_chuck/c2000_Exo/Exo_033.cfm)

10. [The Meaning and Importance of God’s Glory](https://www.christianity.com/wiki/christian-terms/what-does-the-glory-of-god-mean.html)

Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

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