Prison Life? Temptation and How To Overcome It with The Salvation Army Soldiers Covenant

The framework for living found in The Salvation Army Soldiers Covenant can help us to choose to be "slaves to God" rather than "slaves to sin" as Paul puts it.

temptation and the salvation army soldiers covenant
Battle Ready Sermons
Battle Ready Sermons
Prison Life? Temptation and How To Overcome It with The Salvation Army Soldiers Covenant


The Salvation Army Soldiers Covenant is a commitment made by individuals to live a life dedicated to serving God and others. This sermon podcast explores the significance of the Soldier’s Covenant, the teachings behind it, and the practical ways in which soldiers live out their commitment. It emphasises the importance of holiness, spiritual growth, and using one’s gifts for the benefit of others. The sermon also highlights the gift of God’s grace and the privilege of serving as a soldier in The Salvation Army. It concludes with application points for readers to reflect on and live out the Soldier’s Covenant in their own lives.

Notes on the Sermon: The Salvation Army Soldiers Covenant

In the episode of Battle Ready Sermons with Captain Rob Westwood-Payne, the concept of feeling trapped by unseen forces such as sin is explored through the metaphor of Norman Stanley Fletcher from the TV series “Porridge,” who represents individuals who might find a sense of comfort in confinement rather than freedom. The discussion delves into the human condition of being enslaved to sin and the struggle faced by many, including Christians, to overcome sinful behaviours that negatively impact their lives. The sermon proposes union with Jesus Christ as the solution, emphasising the freedom and power granted by God’s grace to choose service to God over succumbing to sin. This choice, while not guaranteeing perfection, allows for alignment with God’s will through personal transformation and reliance on the Holy Spirit.

The significance of living according to Christ’s teachings and making daily, conscious decisions to follow God is stressed, highlighting the importance of a heart change supported by the Holy Spirit. The soldiers’ covenant is presented as a guiding framework for these decisions, promoting responsiveness to the Holy Spirit, adherence to God’s standards, and upholding Christian integrity in all aspects of life. This approach is suggested as a pathway to freedom from guilt, shame, and negative emotions, advocating for a life of service, love, and spreading goodwill while avoiding enslavement to vices like tobacco, drugs, gambling, and excessive media consumption.

Furthermore, the text addresses the practice of tithing and recommitting to the soldier’s covenant as means to spiritual freedom and holiness, urging individuals to dedicate themselves to being slaves to God and obeying his calling. It concludes with a prayer for obedience to God’s will and an encouragement to respond promptly to his prompting, offering a comprehensive view on overcoming temptation and achieving true freedom through a life aligned with God’s will.

Key Themes & Highlights:

  • The Human Struggle with Sin: Captain Rob opens the discussion by shedding light on the universal battle against sinful behaviors and the detrimental impact they have on our lives. This struggle is not exclusive to non-believers; Christians too find themselves caught in this fight.
  • Union with Jesus Christ as the Solution: A pivotal point of the sermon is the presentation of union with Jesus Christ as the ultimate solution to overcoming sin. Captain Rob emphasizes the liberating power of God’s grace, which empowers us to choose service to God over yielding to sin.
  • The Importance of Daily Decisions: The sermon underscores the significance of making daily, conscious decisions to follow God, driven by a heart change supported by the Holy Spirit. This daily commitment is crucial for personal transformation and alignment with God’s will.
  • The Soldiers’ Covenant as a Guiding Framework: Captain Rob introduces the soldiers’ covenant as a blueprint for living a life that honors God, highlighting its principles of responsiveness to the Holy Spirit, adherence to God’s standards, and maintaining Christian integrity.
  • Pathway to Freedom from Negative Emotions: By adopting a lifestyle that eschews vices such as tobacco, drugs, gambling, and excessive media consumption, individuals can find freedom from guilt, shame, and other negative emotions, embracing a life of service, love, and spreading goodwill.
  • The Practice of Tithing and Recommitment: The episode also touches on the importance of tithing and recommitting to the soldier’s covenant as means to achieve spiritual freedom and holiness, advocating for complete obedience to God’s calling.
  • A Prayer for Obedience: The episode concludes with a heartfelt prayer for the strength to obey God’s will and the courage to respond promptly to His prompting, offering listeners a path to overcoming temptation and finding true freedom through a life aligned with God’s purpose.


This episode of Battle Ready Sermons with Captain Rob Westwood-Payne offers a comprehensive and deeply insightful look into the battle against sin and the journey towards true freedom through Christ. It serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of God’s grace and the importance of living a life that reflects His will.

Anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith, overcome personal struggles with sin, and live a life of purpose and freedom in alignment with God’s will.

Click on the link – – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.

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